More like 6000 years ago when Lucifer rebuild and was kicked out of heaven, and took over earth.

Pole shift and this minion and clown show. Seem to co-orilate with certain itterations of thought 💭🤔 🪞 at certain astronomical posits of reference. Evidence you say? It is on so many out of place artifacts and historical manipulations to be obscured in further timeline manifestations.
(Observation & Opinion)

Protect 1st & 2nd Amendment, Protect Children, Save America, Let Freedom Ring, United We Stand, We The People

Cult of Subud, cults within cults, etc. AND the fako birth certificate, "its an illuminati creation" BARRY S>

Centuries and even millennia of corruption and deception.

No. The government has been puppet to the rich since shortly after revolution. Our history is fake. We still have a british registry BAR regulating our courts. Wake up. Everything the government has done since at least 1871 if not 1812 is unconstitutional and criminal. During that time, literally nothing good. Constant money laundering theft.

Jesus is my Savior. Love my husband & America. Dog lover. RN. Constitutional conservative. Love Trump. Followed by Flynn on Twitter.
Actually much longer than that. The Clinton's, the Bushes, Nixon,Johnson......

Fdr might have been the worst of all