Got let go from my job in July. I loved it and still upset over it although trying to let it go. Haven’t found a job since. Looking is almost torture. So done with corporate. So many new buzzwords and ways to do corporate ai just can’t anymore. Don’t know what else to do for work. I’m really good at what I do (learning and development) but now lots of companies are expecting specific industry knowledge. Got less than a month expenses left. Asking for prayers to find the right thing. God has always done it in the past, usually last minute, so I know I can count on him to be faithful again. In the meantime going crazy being bored. TIA for prayers.
It is torture to find a job. I've been looking for over a year and nothing. Not even one callback. It sucks but I have other avenues, so I'm grateful 🙏🙌

I saw a post on LinkedIn recently about the callback situation. Apparently even after you’ve interviewed your just ghosted. At least that happened with my two main interviews. How hard is it to send an email saying we chose a different candidate. I even sent thank you emails.

Truth seeker, writer, painter, fur-mom 🐶🐱 Yeshua 🙏👑
Wow...that's just awful. I hope you find something soon, love! Just trust God, he's got you 🙏