Some people on Anon up think that Trump is 'one of them'. I try not to have a knee-jerk reaction, because everybody has the right to their opinion, especially if they're following some basic decorum. I don't think that there is a single Anon who hasn't asked themselves that question at one time or another, because we, by nature tend to examine all sides of an issue and seek the truth no matter how unsettling it might turn out to be.
I have to admit that I have a few problems with President Trump- I don't like the way he handled Covid- I don't like the seeming support of the government of Israel. but I don't know all the facts surrounding these things, either. Is Trump a Mason? Another question that has popped up.
But, I'm sticking with Trump. There would be NO WAY to defeat the Cabal without having someone who has seen their world firsthand that knows their tricks. Kim Clement said that Trump was the man God chose for the job, and new things are being disclosed every day.
As far as covid, I heard the medication he was talking about was not the poison the left pushed.
Also, he caused them to react sooner than they were ready for, causing them to show themselves.
It seems that Trump was used a few times to shatter their timing.
At the end of the day, the whole process we are being ground through, is to SHOW the programmed what they are following and supporting. Because TELLING is not working, they have to SEE it, LIVE it... and us with them, unfortunately.
At some point we will SEE the absolutely indefensible, and the programmed will have nothing to counter it with, and, one hopes, this will break their programming.