Truth seeker, writer, painter, fur-mom 🐶🐱 Yeshua 🙏👑
My housemate is probably the only person in the world that wants to go back to feeding his dog dry processed food, for two reasons; money and he thinks it's causing his leg problem. (He plays rough and hurt himself and he refuses x-rays because they cost too much)
First off, money should be no object when it comes to your pets, if it is, you do not deserve one. Secondly, processed foods cause arthritis, farmers dog is all natural ingredients.
This kinda stupidity is what needs to die off, seriously 🤦♀️
I agree completely. Wanna hear some hardcore stupidity? My brother is the type that non stop tells other people what to do and always preaching about health, and he is a total narcissist. Tonight my fiancé was asked by my mom to please install this oven hood at my brothers bc he doesn’t have on and they can’t cook in the house bc he’s sensitive to fumes and makes him sick. The first thing out of my brothers mouth was asking if he had any pills, and then he pulls out some coke and asked my fiancé if he wanted to do a line?? LIKE WTF??? How dare he assume that we would EVER want to put that poison in our bodies or be around anyone that does. Haven’t seen my brother in a year… and it was sickening. I’m so disgusted to even be related to him at this point. What a miserable human being.

Truth seeker, writer, painter, fur-mom 🐶🐱 Yeshua 🙏👑
That's sad. I'm sorry :(

🙏He's on his own path and will learn his own consequences. Do not judge him, because he may have mental pain that he has not expressed. It's what causes a lot of people to do what they do on a serious bad level. Pray for him instead. God's Will Be Done.