
What if I told you#Jesus still lives in an alternate dimension?

I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet

In response COMMANDER VALIANTTHOR to his Publication


He is Rooted in the ZERO POINT of Space-Time and Time-Space that is the Quantum Source of ALL Dimensions

He came to Teach Us How to Become PRESENT to the I AM THAT I AM QUANTUM PRESENCE OF SOURCE that is the Foundation of our Individual and Collective Consciousnes

"Christ is the 'Pattern that Connects', All Atoms and All Galaxies; the Divine Patter (Logos) of Universal Love and Justice that ALL Creatures and ALL Humans Bear WITHIN Them." -Matthew Fox, THE COMING OF THE COSMIC CHRIST

"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord" Is1:18;

In response Craig Robert Steele to his Publication

No Illuminati/Masonic symbolism here

I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet

In response wht 2.0 to his Publication


ALL SYMBOLISM is Ultimately Grounded in the SACRED GEOMETRY of Light and Dark.


THAT's Part of the DECEPTION

The Deep State HIJACKED and INVERTED the SACRED GEOMETRY of the Universe which is Holofractally EMBODIED in Human Anatomy. They Conditioned People to Create a Dark Matrix, based on FEAR which has Prevented Us from REALIZING our God-Given Potential

I trust the written word of God.

All that lingo heavy new age 'quantumholofractalistical' talk runs much too far, fast, and loose for my taste anymore. I stumbled around and tried to make sense of small libraries of that stuff for several decades.

The 'deep state' players, lets just call them what they are, Luciferian Satanists, tout belief in a 'cosmic christ' as well .. they play 'good cop/bad cop' as good as it gets.

"And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." 2Cor11:14

And he's FAAAAAAR smarter than you or I

I don't believe for a second their 'cosmic christ' is the fully God/fully man Jesus of the Bible .... who's due to come 'in the flesh' LOUD PROUD w/ the whole heavenly host at his side to execute judgement on this world sometime in the next few years my best guess. We make it 5 I'll be way surprised.

My God - Jesus - is full blooded real and will break bread w/ me and all his faithful one day

Be Careful Who You Follow


In response Craig Robert Steele to his Publication

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"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord" Is1:18;

In response wht 2.0 to his Publication
