😎🇺🇸🦅 We are coming into a period of time for those of certain skepticism to expand and open your mind and thinking. It will be easier to absorb what is ahead for humanity on a gargantuan scale. Things that exist that you have not known or seen. Things throughout the history of this planet since it’s creation. We have been looking at this world and manipulated intellectually by the Cabal as if we were children to be led. Or chattel in all its naiveness. A certain serpent once said ‘men and women are too small minded to govern their own affairs.’ This Patriot says differently. We are going to prove Satan wrong.

It’s hard not to be skeptical when you see Trump & Family and Tucker in their kabala red bracelets. I feel totally disheartened today. I know the response is he “had to infiltrate”. Still makes you question.
I missed the “red bracelet” news. What is that about. Unfortunately, I have become a skeptic since there appears to be nothing happening. Even Trump is talking about the 2024 election when we were told the election wouldn’t even happen because Trump would be reinstated. I don’t believe there are clones, masks, etc. I will only believe it when the mass media tells me unfortunately. How can we be winning when we can’t control the narrative, which only comes if you control the media. I feel as if the evil doers outnumber the good.