Once you have no fear you survive. I am a Covid/Remedisvr and cancer survivor. There is Nothing they can do to you unless God allows it.
Only if Hugh Hefner was alive he would be in the running also 😂no more actors are going to be president especially a pedophile one like the rock Americans already told him and Oprah to pound sand in Hawaii. Oh wait we forgot about that already that was the plan.
I wonder if ALL RECOGNIZED persons (Who produce junk...and Media bull puffs up their garbage, SOME people BOUGHT IT Some of us NEVER DID!! PBS a partner as well as Smithsonian like any demonic bent pawn pushed it.) THEY ARE KM pissants.
Look at all these public figures in the pedo mess!
Infiltration in research, hospitals, Universities, Art, Music, Historic HEROS NOT.... Gabby Petito...are they even real or like Facebook- a DARPA creation given to a Rockefeller Mark Zuckerberg skum.
You only get their approval and $ appointments if you are pawns of KM demons.
ALL OF THEM.... few left uncompromised.
A blessing some awoke... like Mel Gibson.
SO MUCH to undo...we are doing it daily...as we continue to wake in ALL areas.
I thank God for Trump Patriots and White Hats...
Thank you Squirrel for your kind encouragement.
You encourage more then you know.
For years I kept getting blocked and knocked off Media sites ...God continued to work on my heart through those days...reminding me It Is HE who I want to be affirmed by though. ...it was certainly a learning curve of humility.
I think I was fortunate in so many ways having experience with tribulation building perseverance proven character and love. Romans 5
I love the verses:
Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too. You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.
Thank you, Squirrel, you do this.💜💚💜