“If you want to understand how the medical system became so corrupt, you have to know about the 1910 Flixner Report. It was presented to Congress and used as justification to take over the entire medical system in America.
Naturopathy, homeopathy. The report concluded that only petroleum-based medicine was backed by science. But if you track the money, the report was funded by the Carnegie Endowment and the Rockefeller Foundation.
It was completed by the American Medical Association, and after the report was brought in front of Congress, the AMA was given control of college accreditation in America. They now had the ability to pull the accreditation, to pull the funding from any university in America that wasn't teaching petroleum-based medicine. Within 30 years, half of the medical schools in the country had closed down. And over the last hundred years, every doctor trained in America has been taught that only pill-based medicine is legitimate. It's why I wrote

Jesus is my Savior. Love my husband & America. Dog lover. RN. Constitutional conservative. Love Trump. Followed by Flynn on Twitter.
As a critical care and emergency nurse for fifty years, I witnessed a significant shift from cause based care to symptom based care. Preventatve care was replaced with treating the resulting symptoms that developed by obesity, lack of exercise, acidic bodies, poor diets, increased stress etc. Thankfully I attended a nursing school that still taught sound holistic and preventative care. Pharmaceutical intervention skyrocketed, with patients being placed on multiple medications to treat a myriad of symptoms. These competing chemicals and the increase in the use of vaccinations has bern extremely detrimental to the natural immune system and the proper functioning of the human body.