HERE is TOM turkey with his ladies. lol I got to see him. Me and Jacob went to look at the work on his remodel house, RIGHT around the square. lol We got back to mamas. I said HEY Jacob lets go see Tom Turkey, he is my fren. SO we go see him, was gonna do a live of him. Great footage, THEN he showed out in front of his girls, and Jacob said I think he is hitting battle stance. Next thing ya know Tom was running. lololol My fookin phone shut off, lost the footage. I was like I STILL LOVE YOU TOM< as I was hauling ass. lol
That ain't mamas house that is a few country houses down where he lives. lol He got rounded up him and his girls by the sheriff and trotted back cause they were on the square doing whatever they wanted. LOL He is basically the town bird. LAST TIME< he let me pet him for like an hour.