Dear God….
Please keep anyone who views this
Spiritually Strong.
This is John Podesta….
It connects to some well known
entertainers through
Comet Ping Pong Pizza.
James Alefantis was a Rockefeller.
This is called
Satanic Ritual Abuse.
Mike Pence was using
Gary, Indiana…..
This connects to
The Jackson Five.
Micheal’s father was not nice.
This is very hard to expose.

Urban, I couldn't watch more than a few seconds of this but from your explanation, and my own research, I knew what it was.
I admire your courage and I thank you for exposing whatever you can. It's so important!
Many prayers and blessings.
May God protect us always.
I cried heavy tears to sleep.
There was no stronger prayer
than yesterday ever.
To my understanding
John Podesta has
been held accountable.
The Gary Indiana Connection
is just as disturbing….
Tory Smith can still be found
on YouTube
exposing the
Satanic Ritual Abuse from
Mike Pence.
We met Karen Pence’s sister back in
early July in 2020,
right before the
Mount Rushmore event.
I had just dropped my latest video
while my sweetheart
was having a
She asked what my channel was and
after viewing some of my video
The Rushmore Experience.
She then sweetly introduced herself and
how her son lives in the area.đŸ˜³
From that point,
never dropped another video.
By that time,
already viewed
too much sensitive information.
On July 3rd of 2020…
The Truest Blessing was
photographing the
Flight Traffic and this
Beautiful Air Force One image.
Thank you Every Time.
God Bless Us All✨