Dear God….
Please keep anyone who views this
Spiritually Strong.
This is John Podesta….
It connects to some well known
entertainers through
Comet Ping Pong Pizza.
James Alefantis was a Rockefeller.
This is called
Satanic Ritual Abuse.
Mike Pence was using
Gary, Indiana…..
This connects to
The Jackson Five.
Micheal’s father was not nice.
This is very hard to expose.
I am an Empath..part of a prophetic gift...
...in order to function here have had to learn to ignore ie: I walk past someone can feel their tooth ache. God tells me secrets about people at times. STILL learning to walk in it...my Pastor has been a comfort. At times I see a bright light coming from behind me in pitch dark. Been told repeatedly I shine...Bible says we will shine if we follow after His ways.
This Awakening process has been absolutely burning!....burning off dross.
I cried and cried pre Kansas City Bombing, yet 911 though grieving did not have the same affect.
I don't know the why.
I cannot watch some of content related to ritual
...I survived my mother's torture & repeated attempts to kill me.
Get a warning on some content...got it on this.
Have been seeing the Battle as darkness verses light for a long time.

Got suspended from Twitter....looking for a new site and my friends....
I too am an Empath....I can not watch this...I feel all the pain...I am trying to learn how to being empath...I never get any peace in public so I stay home....as we all know their are no words/actions that can be said about these Animals....God will do what is needed..................

Hi Robin..I am an empath as well.
I also have learned to be careful who I am around..and what I get into.
At times emotions send me in a loop...out of nowhere...I find...
I don't always get it initially!
I pray for the person it came from..for them to have Peace that surpasses all understanding.
Sometimes it is ie: a tooth ache...and person seems unaware. I pray they get help and healing.
I ask the Lord what else I am to do with what I get.
In these last 8 years have been learning to "HOLD" more. I have to step away and return...
I have also discovered how helpful pets nature/God's creation changes the channel inside to restore peace.
The gift is given (as I see it) to use and be used to assist others.)
LAUGHTER! Is a must to get free of darkness we are discovering..
& Joy of The Lord is my strength.
Sometimes I KNOW things I should not know..God shows what it is for..often PRAY