Once you have no fear you survive. I am a Covid/Remedisvr and cancer survivor. There is Nothing they can do to you unless God allows it.
Only if Hugh Hefner was alive he would be in the running also 😂no more actors are going to be president especially a pedophile one like the rock Americans already told him and Oprah to pound sand in Hawaii. Oh wait we forgot about that already that was the plan.

Like Under The Getty.

Disneyland was acquired by
Walt with the help of
Governor Reagan…..
A Bohemian Grove attendee.
Underneath connected to
Getty Museum and the
Playboy Mansion.
Wait until people learn just
how bad it was…..
Cathy O’Brian explains that well.
Cathy's books helped me piece a lot of this together. I am very grateful to her. Personally. Also to the person whom told me to read them. 🤔 😳 Huh. Not sure I remember who that was, to thank them.

YesM, Perhaps so. 😊 There was a human interface also. Usually? If I just hold the idea more loosely? Not so urgently with emotive? I can remember. It did have something to do with a revival I went to. The Arch angel interfaces and dreams seemed like they were long ago, however. Like they had been looking for me. Or watching me. I am much more cognizant of the story's now than then. I had to read to find out who they were. I was woefully unprepared for this. It sure seems that way anyway. Been playing catch up the whole time since. My sense of time is askew Ma'am. 🤔 😁 God's timing perfect. Mine is most def not. 😆