The Q Op wasn’t disclosure. It was training. Training for when we’re needed most.
We are the information shock troopers. We are those who forged ahead. Those who know the beast’s face. We know its movements. We know its habits and its haunts. We know its strengths and weaknesses.
We know its fears.
We know this because we have been shown it. Because we have been guided so that, when the beast is brought down and the pillars of its empire are crumbling, we can shepherd those who are lost into the world that will come.
[Their] world will be brought down by truth. Ours will be built by it. And of it.
I often say that Truth is a one-way filter.
For many, Q cracked the door open. We kicked it down.
And there’s no going back. Not for us, and certainly not for [them.]
Amen. Grateful to be here and ready to serve.❤️