Retired former Mktg. Comm Graphic Art. Married to Ron. Crazy for Vegas Golden Knights & Hockey pets! I love America! #SAVEAMERICA

Today our sweet, beloved affectionate family pet “Mr. Blue” went to the Rainbow bridge to be with his sister, Buffy. He was 17.9 years old. He will be greatly missed, my two best friends are now together again in Kitty Heaven to rest in eternal peace. Godspeed our darling little pets. I will see you both again someday babies. We loved you both so much!#brokenheart

So so sorry for your loss.
............ May they meet n find my furry babies.. and play in flowery fields until we are called home.

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Retired former Mktg. Comm Graphic Art. Married to Ron. Crazy for Vegas Golden Knights & Hockey pets! I love America! #SAVEAMERICA

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