🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.
I’m just checkin in on ya. You’re doing great. Many of you will be very important voices in the coming scenes so just a loving reminder to keep grounded in your prayer and meditation. Let God lead. We’re going to go through a rough patch soon but we will be the calm in the storm. Have a beautiful day Truth seeker.
"The EYE through which I See God is the same EYE through which God Sees Me; my Eye and God's Eye are One Eye; One Seeing, One Knowing, One Love." -Meister Eckhart, 12th Century Christian Mystic and Pastor
The Still Point of the Turning Whirled.
The Immovable Spot.
The Zero Point of Space-Time & Time-Space
Be Still and Know that I AM God.

I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet
"God is at Home, It is We who Went Out for a Walk." -Meister Eckhart
"Don't Be Afraid of the Darkness
And Don't Run Away from the Storm
Stand Up and Face Your Reflections
The Feelings You Try to Ignore
After the Tempest is Over
And You've Let Yourself Come on Through
They'll Be a Voice in the Silence
Tenderly Calling to You,... Singing
Home Come on Home
Ye Who are Weary Come Home
Softly and Tenderly Calling
Home, Come on Home.!"
-John Denver