#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 8.17/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.

Good afternoon Patriots. What we all doing on this lovely 11/11?

₪ ø lll·o. MOON Magic, MOO-V, Melodies, Mommy, Music, Mood: YOU I am Raea Evey Leto, Raea Moondancer, and Raea Sunshine, and ME!

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Well, you know what VK.
I think I do miss home, where people are humble and not pretending to play God... Quite frankly, at this point, he who gives power away to a leader, also reinvents said leader's EGO apparently...

Not you VK, I do not see Ego, I see a man who has come a long way alongside of us, who does not perceive himself better just because he helped stand in the front lines as a guardian and guide...

It turns out, that both men have an incredibly large complex, but Trump, you know...They want the 5:5 "tweet"--If people want Trump, they shouldn't expect a man with his own Social Media to join another man's re-creation...that isn't a fair request...They know how to find and access Trump.

Also, I pick up and read a false sense of superiority through Musk...and I have Trust issues...Plus, as an artist, I do not want to take the individuality out of this Earth by having Tesla Brand everything everywhere...like why a house with a Tesla stamp, just an over-glorified Mobi

₪ ø lll·o. MOON Magic, MOO-V, Melodies, Mommy, Music, Mood: YOU I am Raea Evey Leto, Raea Moondancer, and Raea Sunshine, and ME!

In response I Am Just A Fox to her Publication

*mobile units...
You know how many people now sit on that site claiming to be God or Q and when they do come through the give GOD, the ONE true God a bad name or a bad image...because they are caught flirting with every single dang thing in the whole universe, claiming he can do and say what he wants and that he owns all of us...meanwhile promoting love...

But then yelling for people to surrender to him or else...then says he is LOVE...The true loving God, would not treat his people this way...HIS children...instead, I was told I was EVE last night, we are ALL Eve (women) and and ALL Men are (adam) and HE is the ONLY HUSBAND for anyone, that he is MOM and DAD and to surrender and DRINK his whatever EGO ripped juice he was carrying...and have the audacity to tell me I abandoned him for my brother Adam...I don't even know an Adam...I have ZERO clue what he is even talking about...

He goes by the name "Will I am" and won't give anyone a chance to have a twin...he wants them all...

₪ ø lll·o. MOON Magic, MOO-V, Melodies, Mommy, Music, Mood: YOU I am Raea Evey Leto, Raea Moondancer, and Raea Sunshine, and ME!

In response I Am Just A Fox to her Publication

Who is this man?
The man who goes by QQQ "starseed179" on Twitter, because he literally made me lose hope in my TwIn Flame last night, the one I know God did promise through all of this, and a sacred promise to my twin...

I have half the mind to question why people think that Shane any of them are GOD and just follow blindly...Then they would rather argue with VK (YEA CORAL I SEE YOU) Quit attacking VK, haven't you been with us forever...Don't be someone who harms your brother out of fear or confusion...We all know we have been lied to...but if I know one thing at all...It is that Vincent is a gentle, genuine, soul and incredible leader who has been with us, from almost the beginning of 11/22/18 right? Almost a full year after Q conception...I didn't go online with Q stuff until summer of 2020. Signed my oath in September 2020...

I forgive all and I forgive whoever these liars are...but I am sorry a man who claims he is both male/female "divine" isn't that what baphomet would be

₪ ø lll·o. MOON Magic, MOO-V, Melodies, Mommy, Music, Mood: YOU I am Raea Evey Leto, Raea Moondancer, and Raea Sunshine, and ME!

In response I Am Just A Fox to her Publication

baphomet, their diety or whatever who thinks it is better than god and also shown wearing female breasts...I am sorry, the Bible said to honor thy mother and father and that God does stand on top of it all, correct? God in one hand, perfect spouse in the other, basically as Phaethon had said in one of his posts...

If you say one word over there to this QQQ fellow that you love your husbands or wives and such...he claims you are putting idols above him and he said he is the one to cause upcoming divorces...WHAT? Wouldn't God want to keep families together?

All I know, when I asked him, when exactly did I leave him for this brother adam I aint even with...He blocked me...People don't block me unless they have some agenda...because, I don't know about others..but I was activated to be love and give love...also wanted love in return, as love should always be flowing and free...

My dreams tell me that Elon is jealous of a man because he wants something he can't have...and so now he

₪ ø lll·o. MOON Magic, MOO-V, Melodies, Mommy, Music, Mood: YOU I am Raea Evey Leto, Raea Moondancer, and Raea Sunshine, and ME!

In response I Am Just A Fox to her Publication

gonna punish me and the good people of this world and HURT their heads...out of his ANGER that a woman who never wanted MONEY or anything...could choose an "ordinary" over him...well, we the people have lived in ordinary, we were not born, or most of us hadn't been born with silver spoons in our mouths, or maybe some of us didn't have family, or maybe some did have things but found the value in soul journey and always pushing forward to achieve the one TRUE God's loving plans for all..

TBH--I did like Musk, but I can't understand how he holds onto all this information...got people to his platform, used Q injections into his vocabulary (what to sway or influence a GOOD group of people) who do actually believe in God? Meanwhile charging us money to have a text box expansion ability...

I like X, but it doesn't feel like HOME...People are NUTS there...and I don't think GOD wants to be alone, he loves his wife very very very much...and WOULD never talk down to her or lead people sexua

₪ ø lll·o. MOON Magic, MOO-V, Melodies, Mommy, Music, Mood: YOU I am Raea Evey Leto, Raea Moondancer, and Raea Sunshine, and ME!

In response I Am Just A Fox to her Publication

sexually astray. If anyone is aware of my story this year and has been following me...You know that I have been through hell and back just to come out a whole unique version of my former self...I am finally not afraid of who I am and willing to speak up about it...

why is it, some MAN who doesn't look like anything but ordinary, just like you and I, is also using VK like SHANE did in their schemes...Using the letter "V" to lead people astray...Shane called Trump Satan...TRUMP IS NOT SATAN...No good person is ever going to LIE about a GOOD individual...GOD IS LOVE, GOD IS TRUTH, GOD IS LIGHT, AND I too want to prevent the ending chapter and turn this into a brilliant, brave new world...

I apologize for not listening in the past about Elon and I do not idolize Trump... I support Trump, I support VK...they are my teachers...The teachers who showed up for the world while the WHOLE Hollywood sat down and SAID NOTHING...

The people who have money and it all are jealous of poor ppl.

₪ ø lll·o. MOON Magic, MOO-V, Melodies, Mommy, Music, Mood: YOU I am Raea Evey Leto, Raea Moondancer, and Raea Sunshine, and ME!

In response I Am Just A Fox to her Publication

They are the ONES who want to steal the people's right to also too have a special star they hold tight, because they think they are better than us...NOT ALL in Hollywood feel this way...There are a really great few who got together to help buy back AMERICA from foreign interferring countries...who wanted to control our citizens and our right to free speech because they don't want us talking about GOD and they also don't want GOD AWAKENING TO HIS VERY OWN WIFE, to whom he already remembers from HEAVEN...they both remember each other...

ON THIS EARTH, he walks as man right alongside of you...He didn't want to feel superior, above, he wanted to join in for a human experience and set out on a mission to bring people back to the light and find his wife again all in one...They said goodbye and haven't been together since...

If she did make a mistake and go for her "brother" doesn't the Bible say God made Eve for Adam and now claiming she belongs to God? Yea, we all do love and belong t

₪ ø lll·o. MOON Magic, MOO-V, Melodies, Mommy, Music, Mood: YOU I am Raea Evey Leto, Raea Moondancer, and Raea Sunshine, and ME!

In response I Am Just A Fox to her Publication

to God...but where I draw the line is where this individual said he OWNS me and my desires and he told me to basically swallow his Truth or be cut out from heaven...This is too a man you know...so this man is driven via pure EGO and honestly...all my thoughts, all my dreams, all my visions...do not align with him being our real true heavenly father...Father would want to uplift his wife and never make her feel unwelcome or alone...he would not block her either...

Some family members have accidentally blocked each other due to lack of ability to trust because of heavy infiltration on all sides...yea, our minds can be hacked and infiltrated...the negative thoughts who tell us we are nothing and nobodies...and NOT worthy of anything we seek...those are these kinda monsters feeding you that crap...

I could NEVER imagine VK to be a power hungry ego maniac...FREAQ and I refuse to believe that...I really hope someone puts a stop to all this divide...MEN think they OWN woman...BULLSHIT

₪ ø lll·o. MOON Magic, MOO-V, Melodies, Mommy, Music, Mood: YOU I am Raea Evey Leto, Raea Moondancer, and Raea Sunshine, and ME!

In response I Am Just A Fox to her Publication

I am not lumping VK and Phae and true gentleman into this "category" of "men" I find you respecting, faithful, loyal, honorable men amongst men...celestial beings from the sky...sky people recognize other sky ppl...sent from above to aid in this shift to help humans...Yea...so hello Humans--we too are humans...but...just want you to know we would NEVER attack people like that...Yes, I have been sent to expose a variety of things...but right now I ask you to KNOW the one true God you feel and love within...

Either people are pushing him to become a monster out of anger due to the lack of respect they have for him and now he looks like a cheating wanna date everthing man...OR THE ONE TRUTH has always been in front of us all along...

I am noting things and comparing and verify, and crosschecking everything with Q, knowing Q also said they were infiltrated...Q said POTUS is our savior...how does everyone truly feel about it? Instead of running from it, let's discuss to understand Q's

₪ ø lll·o. MOON Magic, MOO-V, Melodies, Mommy, Music, Mood: YOU I am Raea Evey Leto, Raea Moondancer, and Raea Sunshine, and ME!

In response I Am Just A Fox to her Publication

All I know and truly do know is that I am LOVE and I have a Lover...I do not claim to know everything or be some spirit guru of all stories...I know what I know because of deep spiritual work...I do know that people are giving their power away to individuals by using titles to relate or classify...Just because someone says they are God, does that mean ppl should blindly follow...God, is always within us, no social media is necessary to access God and what I am seeing is females taking it way to far with this God stuff...they walk around like hypocrites and the ones showing up to this man's page...saying all kinds of weird things...is that how anyone should even treat anyone? Women are treating these men in reverse...almost as thought they are virtually raping them...and God IS WATCHING IT ALL GO down...and the worse part is...these good men's wives...I feel so very bad for what these other females are doing...they don't have self respect or self awareness...

I am sorry the do this 2

₪ ø lll·o. MOON Magic, MOO-V, Melodies, Mommy, Music, Mood: YOU I am Raea Evey Leto, Raea Moondancer, and Raea Sunshine, and ME!

In response I Am Just A Fox to her Publication

Happy Sunday,
TBH I am really disappointed for good people not standing up and doing the right thing and have turned a children's movement into some sloppy thirsty slushy parade...It is is wrong and whoever is doing things like this...I am not mad, just wish you to see all this hurt you are causing within families because you are NOT trusting God to put everything back together correctly...

I would think that GOD/JESUS/Q deserve their wives and didn't show up to date and listen to all this drama from strangers they don't even know...

Remember, on EARTH as HELLO HUMANS, we all are going through an awakening...We all arrived as humans...God...Jesus is a MAN from the SKY who was sent from above, more than just a man right?? Yes, walks EARTH with you but come on, to not allow this man to rise or come back is insane on behalf of all of you who claim you want him back...

He is back, so why can't ppl see him..
His name aint the same?

₪ ø lll·o. MOON Magic, MOO-V, Melodies, Mommy, Music, Mood: YOU I am Raea Evey Leto, Raea Moondancer, and Raea Sunshine, and ME!

In response I Am Just A Fox to her Publication

first place...He's had so many names throughout the course of history. It is unfair to summon these names when it isn't even what they have gone by their entire lives...No, in this lifetime her name isn't Eve, her name isn't Mary...Her name is hers and only he knows it, as it appears only she knows his and can see the EXACT book they masked in his name...to prevent people from seeing him and also so other people would think a VERY WICKED man was him...They gave the GOOD guy a bad guys name and ended the book with A BAD VISION...THE BAD VISION CAN BE PREVENTED...When will the world see this..

Just because the Oracle predicted crimes in Minority Report...it didn't always end up being the TRUE path, because of WHY? FREE WILL, We have free will, we should choose God's way always, not lean on our own understanding...I bring this to VK, because there is a lot of unnecessary drama occurring in the name of religion...GOD IS NOT A BOX.

Quit putting him in a box, he already freed U..his tu

₪ ø lll·o. MOON Magic, MOO-V, Melodies, Mommy, Music, Mood: YOU I am Raea Evey Leto, Raea Moondancer, and Raea Sunshine, and ME!

In response I Am Just A Fox to her Publication

People have the ability to even shock God and change his mind about the paths he saw them choosing in advance...They have the ability to change their actions and behaviors today, to make this the BEST possible outcome that doesn't actually bring fires and dragons and all that nonsensical (on 3d) earth-sounding stuff...I mean in the astrals...there sure are fire-breathing dragons everywhere yelling all day long...

But ya'll want to see it play out to the very end because you want to see if GOD, a lover can be pushed all the way to the edge...What happens if he is...He destroys everything again...resets the planet? All our lives at risk due to anger?

Why would you even wish to jeopardize a beautiful future to fulfill a VATICAN-based agenda...and too, not want to save GOD from being so angry right now...I can't even recognize the man I know within right now because he is so ANGRY at the world that he would rather, hurt his wife than punish THEM...do they even seem affected?

₪ ø lll·o. MOON Magic, MOO-V, Melodies, Mommy, Music, Mood: YOU I am Raea Evey Leto, Raea Moondancer, and Raea Sunshine, and ME!

In response I Am Just A Fox to her Publication

All I truly know is that I love you all and I really want you and your families and future generations to be preserved...I want your souls safe and warm and protected from the snares of our common enemies....I do know quality accounts over there to follow and people who do take time and actually appear to know me better than I know myself...

I do to know that this is Biblical and Biblical souls are activating and finally feeling brave enough to know and step into their holy guided light and truth...It isn't that they possess the same names, but they can remember all the way back to start, as can I...All I know, is Elon is not the one ...he is a messenger to deliver a message, a Truth...Trump helped defend us, our soil, our children and expose the media...

We were told, c something, say something. Here is what I currently see, someone holds knowledge and is controlling the people with it while claiming they care...and that is 100% wrong...I am here to share perspectives.


love and love alone as I do find it a fundamental principle of everything that is I...Pure love, truth--I have no angles or reason to lie...I am very hurt by the stuff I witnessed go down on X last night...It doesn't align with anything remotely close to the God I know and feel and experience from within and something just aint quite right here...

IDK, in my visions and meditations...The voice of God, his name, never came through to me as a name "william" or "alexander" or any of these alternative names that God himself has not shown me...so it sits VERY heavy...and once again, this is a MAN or AI telling these things...

If we are all fragments of GOD would he not design the most amazing plan for ALL to have a specific TWIN/PARTNER/MATE through him, but seriously...who was the woman used to create the "perfect" for this alternative woman who ARE NOT GODDESS...for the men to have proper queens and the ladies to have proper kings...

Titles do not replace the TWIN DUO.
They are

In response I Am Just A Fox to her Publication

Only people mentioned by @JustAFox in this post can reply

₪ ø lll·o. MOON Magic, MOO-V, Melodies, Mommy, Music, Mood: YOU I am Raea Evey Leto, Raea Moondancer, and Raea Sunshine, and ME!

In response I Am Just A Fox to her Publication

a team who isn't even together on foot yet...They work as reiki distal healers for the masses to experience the feels and heals and opportunities to shine within their own radiant light and pure soul energy...

You people are not these skinsuits you wear or the scars you carry or the pain from the past still coming through to harm you and assault you without your awareness...

The spiritual battle is real, but a REAL divine family is suffering and enduring PTSD daily for you all to wake up...and now THE TRUTH in divine family, they are coming through and attacking their own family members because they are jealous of TWO INDIVIDUALS who were born to carry these flames to teach the world how to heal through love...

Their love was a promise from God and now he is so mad at the rest, he would rather divide the two he created for each other and claim it for himself...but he wants ALL woman to be his wife...does this EVEN remotely make sense in the sanctity and holy bond in marriage?

₪ ø lll·o. MOON Magic, MOO-V, Melodies, Mommy, Music, Mood: YOU I am Raea Evey Leto, Raea Moondancer, and Raea Sunshine, and ME!

In response I Am Just A Fox to her Publication

Accounts I reccomment on X that are real people who actually love having real conversations, lol they have become quite the role players themselves and they also know who they are...they knew me before I even arrived to Twitter in the first place...Some even say they knew me from 9 years ago...How, I am not sure..everyone is still hiding from God, while expecting him to reveal himself...If they trust God, why won't they come forward to meet him from their souls and these 3D programmed thoughts...

Ugh...ya'll know in current state, true aliens aren't having sex right, if they aint married and at home...they are working and fighting for truth to be known and really missing their twin flames they were shown...They are celebate, so for females to show up and want to lay with God like that...it's really extremely disturbing and makes good peple who believe in God now think there is no love left even though they followed everything he asked of them...

Without true love, what is there?

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