Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes tells of President Trump's world submission tour. When at the Vatican Trump presented a ton of evidence of Papal criminality and told the Pope he was taking the Vatican gold stolen since 1871 back to America.
It totaled 650 planeloads of gold.
Trump looked gleeful. The Pope looked unhappy.
Best photo ever.
2:39 min.

The sward was given to trump in the sward dance because Trump saved Bin Salman the Saudi Prince's life from the Las Vegas 10-1-17 shooting. People need to know the truth of what the Las Vegas shooting really was about. And why certain things happened (there are many) and what really did happen. It was all swept under the rug and blamed on a lone wolf shooter. Complete BS cover story.

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Im curious about the creases in the painting behind them.. as if it has been taken from storage and restored... it has disctinct crease lines as if folded...