I'm friendly just enough to get by without people calling me an asshole.
Holy Shit
8mil+ over our border.
They are strategically coming in.
All fighting age.
I finally understand.
Do you think, for a second, /our guys/ Q and Mr. T included would let that just happen without a plan?
Not on your fucking life.
Massive military lately.
How many indictments are there again?
How many need to be arrested?
Our guys are training them.
Holy Fuck.
It's not a what if
It's a when.
Q said our families were safe.
They meant it.
5D chess anons.
Do tell when this PLAN is supposed to happen...cause guess what...what happens when someone isn't there...cause we're ALL glued to our computers/tv's/phones to be the defensive line....or ALL THE MILITARY PERSONNEL (what's left that is) is over seas fighting a war we aren't supposed to be a part of...