I'm friendly just enough to get by without people calling me an asshole.
Holy Shit
8mil+ over our border.
They are strategically coming in.
All fighting age.
I finally understand.
Do you think, for a second, /our guys/ Q and Mr. T included would let that just happen without a plan?
Not on your fucking life.
Massive military lately.
How many indictments are there again?
How many need to be arrested?
Our guys are training them.
Holy Fuck.
It's not a what if
It's a when.
Q said our families were safe.
They meant it.
5D chess anons.

At night all cats are black. Prowling around to bring you interesting items! Use Discernment At All Times! Happiness Is Strength!
Interestingly enough, this validates what I have been thinking for some time. WHs are in control!
We cannot have locals arresting the corrupt law enforcement personnel, judges, etc. so WH personnell from elsewhere are being trained.
DJT is, indeed, a wartime president, and so is following the laws and protocols.
Yup! go look at Q post 521 for the win!
Oh man, what a time to be alive!

🌟Spirit Within Guides, Divine, Eternal Being having a human experience ♥️ Patriot God bless 🇺🇸 Jesus Christ 💞 Unconditional Love🐾 🐾