13 Bloodline families DEAD. ALL OF THEM. To be blunt GAME OVER........ Bless you DJT you Fooking LEGEND.......
Book of Revelation
What dis?
They’re playbook.
They are telling us exactly what the intend to do.
All we need now is Prince William to broker peace in the Middle East and it will on for young and old.
Four horsemen of the apocalypse time.
Playbooks known inside out.
And what they really mean.
Whitehats already Trumped their plans.
Who already brokered peace in the Middle East?
Donald fookin Trump.
Future Proves Past
Playbook reversed.
It will be their damnation and not ours.
I love it when da plan comes together.

Patriot. Veteran. 😎 Queenie. Just call me Smoo. 🤗 Animal Rights = Human Rights. Proud PITBULL momma! #Godwins.
Not sure William is a good one. Juan has discussed why.
Yes he is not