· Mammograms are the biggest organized Crime Against Women. Women who go for mammograms are probably unaware of the harm they do to themselves. A few details to consider before deciding on a review:
(1) 50-60% of the “positive” results are incorrect. So, being diagnosed with “breast cancer” in 50-60% of cases, turns out it didn’t exist at all.
(2) During examination, the breast is pressed with a large weight of 10kPa (1019 kg / m2) and then healthy, very sensitive, milk gland tissue is bombarded by radioactive rays.
(3) Stimulates tumor growth and the spread of metastases.
(4) A study done on 690,000 records showed that completely healthy women have developed breast cancer in a large number of cases after mammographic examinations.
(5) Switzerland is the first country in the world to ban mammographic examinations. So the criminal medical mafia is aggressively forcing regular annual mammography examinations of healthy women, in order to make them profitable patient
It’s good to see women and men becoming aware of the mammo scam and its harms. They always ‘found’ something and did more mammos, calling me ‘diagnostic’ and requiring a biopsy. It was a horrible experience, twice, they scared me with family history. I never give family history now and never go for any screenings. They hounded me by phone and text for a year then gave up because I didn’t answer. Never again, but wish I’d have wised up earlier. My 98 year old Mom still wants a mammo and urges me to get one. She thinks I’m nuts.
I've had breast Cancer twice - both times discovered through mammogram. It was an early discovery both times so it was not invasive. Saved my life.