🌷 Laura Aboli
In 1892 at the Geneva Convention,
the smartest man in the oil industry, J.D. Rockefeller
paid scientists to call oil a 'fossil fuel'
to induce the idea of SCARCITY,
in order to set a 'world price for oil'.
& regenerates within the Earth
faster than it can ever be depleted.
😻 New House Speaker, Mike Johnson, is from Louisiana
where AMERICAN oil & Natural Gas are in super-abundance 😉
🦅🇺🇸🪖 President & CiC Trump, Derry NH
When I’m back in the White House
Drill baby drill
The most powerful weapon →[ABUNDANCE 💰]
[Biden] attacked American energy
while he unleashed Iranian energy.
More than Saudi Arabia, more than Russia
And it’s light & sweet 🕊
👇 Rockefeller oil SCAM

When my closest friend from high school was diagnosed with breast cancer she wrote about her treatments daily and emailed her reports to a group of friends. I clearly saw that they were executing her and they did just that. Her final message arrived days before she passed on. I can’t repeat it here, too sad. I stopped donating to all medical ‘charities’ and never will again. This was before I began to learn about the numerous ways the world has been twisted by super wealthy psychopaths. During c19 madness vowed never to go to docs again for checkups, screenings, blood draws, etc. They pursued me for about a year then stopped. I’m fine without them.

Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time
Same here; had a friend die of colon cancer 3 months after diagnosed. She started chemo immediately, and for 3 months couldn't keep any food down. She went from a healthy 150 lb woman, to an unrecognizable skeleton.
It was so obvious they killed her. 🤬

Yes it is so obvious they kill patients. So sorry about your friend. When I was on twitt I stated my beliefs that chemo is deliberate poisoning and was immediately attacked by accounts that appeared deliberately targeting such testimonies. Was permanently suspended shortly after. Still no access.

American born and Patriot. Christian, Father/grandfather. Worship leader, singer/songwriter #wwg1wga #thegreatawakening #godwins
So true. My wife was fighting breast cancer for two years. She went in for scans. They kept her for 2 weeks, saying it was through her whole body. They released her to home hospice care within in 2 weeks, she passed away three days after that. I know their protocols killed her. She went there under her own power, then dies less than 3 weeks later. They are all killers.

That is heartbreaking. I’m so sorry they got hold of her. We all must overcome the fear of cancer they created and take apricot kernels, fenben and ivermectin. We can make these thieves irrelevant. The amounts they charge for killing us is astronomical. Dr. Colin Campbell was head of cardiology at Cleveland Clinic. He discovered in his research that diet prevented and cured heart problems. He proposed a new program for cardio patients based on this. They laughed at him because the want the $$$$. We can change this by denying them access to our bodies. Dr. Campbell quit, wrote books and goes around speaking to groups. He is worth listening to. The China Study is a great work of research by him.

American born and Patriot. Christian, Father/grandfather. Worship leader, singer/songwriter #wwg1wga #thegreatawakening #godwins
Yes, my wife was on regimen of apricot seeds, curcumin, black seed oil, etc. Unfortunately, I couldn't convince her of the effectiveness of invermectin.
That’s awful. Many years ago heard a nutrition doctor reveal that doctors are the third leading cause of death. Looked at historical stats and it goes way back. That was a wake up call. We changed our diet and since c19 take ivermectin weekly, for a year, as prevention. Also fenbendazole. Apparently the synergy of the two is good against cancer parasites. You are in my prayers. 🙏😇

American born and Patriot. Christian, Father/grandfather. Worship leader, singer/songwriter #wwg1wga #thegreatawakening #godwins
Thank you for your prayers. And I agree about todays medicine. I haven't trusted it for years. I eat no processed foods. Mainly 1 ingredient foods. I have never had even a flu shot and have not had a cold since 2005. At 63, I am healthier than most of the people around me.

You are so unusual in the way everyone ought to be. Eating healthy is not hard but it is controversial among family and friends. Some are embarrassed by healthy eaters. At the grocery store we get comments. “So much fruit! Do you eat a lot of fruit? Are you going to eat all of that broccoli?” And the like. We encourage them to add more fruit and veggies to their diets. But people act as though it’s not what they want. A friend with gout knows his diet is giving him pain but also thinks V8 is eating veggies. We gently encourage but food is an enormous comforting force to many.