Waking up people with one bread crumb at a time. And having compassion for those who can't SEE yet, BC everyone learns at different paces!
Wow, so I just had to take my online CPR training. Its no big deal. We have to get re certified. But since I have learn more about Gematria and (Their) numbers I was listening to the online class from the American Red Cross and it hit me. 30 compression and 2 breaths.
One of the scenerios was at an address 232.
I started paying more attention because I know that they are part of the child traficking.
I mean when did it change from 15 breaths? The more I listened wow.
It really has been in our faces this whole time. Being awake feels weird, I feel alone, I am grateful for al

where can i find good info out about #'s. this is still somewhat of a mystry to me.

Waking up people with one bread crumb at a time. And having compassion for those who can't SEE yet, BC everyone learns at different paces!
I am still looking myself. I was following along with Kim Runner on Twitter and Georgia Peach, they were doing the decodes from VK tweets and so I googled and got a little bit, but I want to know what their numbers mean to them. Juan O Savin I guess has been teaching during his interviews. There has to be more out there, I just have not found it yet.