QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️

More about state national.
Remedy is Due Process of law to get the relief demanded.
Relief from financial coercion.
Relief from criminal attacks, crimes taking place, trespasses of rights.
Expose election fraud, to being justice.

Clarity on differences between Lawful and legal.

The Brunson case, further review.
Has the courts made any errors?
writ of certiorari

Kirks sharing the Brunson case has lack of standing, the case is not being served to the proper place, the Brunson case is to go to the Legislative branch of government.

Foundations of LAW comes from our rights and there is a science of LAW that is used to protect our rights, there are too many rights to list them all.

LAW schools teaches Code, Code pleadings, LAW schools are not teaching the truth of LAW.

Can you petition a de-facto legislator?


Monday Night Law 11-05-2022 - YouTube

Video footage contained herein are used under fair use and for educational purposes only.

QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️

In response Law & Physics to his Publication

Where there are BAR members, there is corruption, Fraud, Crimes taking place.

In response Law & Physics to his Publication

Look who is finally being exposed….

Pay attention to those that support these corrupt players.
Ask yourselves, Controlled Oppositions?
There is dark forces all over, the further your aligned with truth, NPC's and other corrupted energies may attack you.
Truth is a frequency.

In response URBAN SQUIRREL to her Publication

Only people mentioned by @physics171 in this post can reply

In response Law & Physics to his Publication

This is a military intelligence command.
Located in
south eastern Arizona…
not too far from the border.
Although in Cochise county…..

No Name had a ‘foundation’
down there that was caught
child trafficking.

What did
Sidney mean or
was it controlled opposition?

Release the Kraken

I have been on post back in the 1990’s.
Met an officer who stated they use their
ammo packs on the belt for his
cell phone a few years after
Desert Storm.

No one who served at
Fort Huachuca has come
forward on behalf of
GenFlynn either.

QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️

In response URBAN SQUIRREL to her Publication

General Flynn?
Y Family?
Project Pegasus?
How much has he been charging to do speeches?
Connections?>>>Michael A. Aquino is a Lt. Colonel, Psychological Operations, U.S. Army (Ret.)?
Satanic Worship?

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