(3) You must understand [THEY] do not hate you because you are Christian! [THEY] do not care if you are a Satanist, Buddhist, Shaolin Monk, Muslim, etc... [THEY] hate you because you are breathing! And [THEY] do not give a fuck what you believe or who you like or dislike. [THEY] hate you regardless! The only thing that matters, in regards to you, is your worth and to [them] you are worth far more in death than alive. I know what is coming, I have been shown and unless WE, AS AMERICANS, regardless of beliefs, if we do not stand together against this blight on humanity, and get involved in every aspect of OUR Governments, well.... I AM sure you will know the words that come next. WE have made our choice, now the question is "What will you decide?"
Will be in the frontlines
Ad Astra
Ego should have no place, in the heart of man! Numquam Cedere -Never Surrender ***5 Year Active Duty Veteran- Operation Desert Fox.
I have been ruminating on this.
Some of the simple things people still are not doing ;
- Going and checking on neighbors, finding out who is aware, who can stand up, and who will need assistance.
- Following influencers posting cat videos and or ambiguous posts without clear direction instead of doing their own research.
- Praying and then actually listening for answers.
- Putting aside differences and seeing similarities.
I honestly had hope we would all be further along than we are... even since MLK, Kennedy and others from the 60's who were speaking out about coming together, we stalled out.
I am willing to stand and fight.
The amount of propaganda and misdirection has become nauseating. It is not too late just yet, but we are fast approaching the midnight hour.
I pray so too, that it is not too late
but it does not relinquish the fact that Gen. Flynn is right. Instead of the people using this to correct the ship, they used it to fall to their knees and pray to the false image and then point the finger at those who are actually doing the fighting