‘What people don’t realize is that some people are single in this generation because they are healed, which makes them incompatible with trauma bonds.
Unfortunately, trauma bonds are the template of our culture at this time.
Those who choose peace over trauma will have difficulty in relationships because most people that we meet are emotionally damaged in some way.
Healed people seek healthy bonds. These bonds hold space for authenticity and correction. It’s kind of like an oxymoron.
About 90% of the relationships/marriages that we see are actually trauma bonds. Those involved “need” the other person to make them feel whole because they’re both broken mentally, emotionally and/or spiritually.
Let that sink in for a moment…
With so much love ~Anonymous ~
This does coincide with quite a bit of what I've seen over my life. Many marriages seem to be without actual love.
Since the teenage, I've always wondered why women act the way they do. Even up today, I still don't think they actually act according to what they really want. Same could be said about men no doubt, I just don't have that perspective.
I've refused to act or pretend love if I don't feel it. I'm not going to call somebody beautiful if I don't really mean it. I'm not going to play a role, regardless of what they expect. I've never understood one night stands. I just didn't want to put anybody else through what I was put through.
That's my path for being single for 25 years. Of course I've tried dating, but it ends when I'm supposed to react on something, but choose not to. That apparently makes women think they are not attractive in my eyes. Can't fall in love by reacting.
God's plan, not mine
Life is such a precious LIFE, I love how you understand and explain how much we all want to be involved with another. The touch, the conversations, the laughter and in a sense a friend to be there. I never had one, to pick a phone to call and say hi, I was checking on you, Or the thought of a call. You are so wonderful and unique in the way you share your true lover for life and in a sense no one to share it with. Can we all take time to understand we live for one another that is how we grow. I love you and thank you for sharing. Please keep sharing your life and love spread the peace and joy.