The murdering hospitals are still at it.
You know what to do Patriots.
👉👉 Put on the Pressure. Call Gulf Coast Medical Center in FT Myers, FL, today.
Tell them more than 100,000 people, including attorneys, doctors, and civil servants, are now watching what happens w/ this young man; and that they are required under US law to abide by “Next of Kin/Family Will” since this young man is NOT a DNR.
Do not let them kill this boy.
They are saying he is BRAIN DEAD (which is a false statement) so they can take his organs. You have to be ALIVE to take organs. Move him out quickly. DO NOT EVER BE A DONOR (not saying he is)
PROUD to be an AMERICAN 🇺🇸 Navy Nurse Veteran🦅⚓️💫✨🇺🇸
My grandson shot himself in the head 3 yrs ago. We went to see him in hospital & knew he was gone, but they kept him on life support to keep his organs perfused to donate the organs. Different situation than this woman's.
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