No sir it is much worse.
Back in the 1980’s my step brothers
were in the
Hollywood Sears Mall when
Adam Walsh was ‘abducted’
No, we know he was not there.
Ottis did not do it either.
Then John Walsh is gifted
America’s Most Wanted.
It is about the ancient practice of
child sacrifice….
Within Media, Religion,
Entertainment and Politics.
Epstein’s Flight Log is proof of
diversity in
Lucifarian Worship.
In the case of Adam…
His body was never recovered.
Reve was shady and lied,
we never witnessed the
6 yr old child in Sears.
Here some connections….
Dahmer was in Milwaukee and his victims were said to be between 14 - 32 years old and of darker skin. (15 Black, Indigenous, Asian and Latino men and teenage boys). Adam Walsh was a white child.
My impression after listening to Walsh's daughter speak is that her Father was involved in the disappearance of Adam.
Just a couple thoughts on the subject.
I always thought it was the father and once again the demons laugh at us with John Walsh doing TV shows that focus on criminals, like him.
Another one?
The history of Jon Benet Ramsey's family is weirdly tragic, to say the least.