‘Only God Can Judge’
This Is a Lie and a Means of Avoiding Accountability. (Matthew 7:1-5)
The point of this passage is to judge properly, to judge fairly, and to judge honestly. If this passage were merely about not judging, Jesus would not have followed this section with verses 15-20, where he instructs us to beware of false prophets and discern their righteousness.
Jesus advocates for righteous judgement and I am convinced that righteous judgement is beneficial and necessary in our walk to live more like Christ.
We should engage in righteous judgement, which includes discerning right from wrong and holding others accountable, as well as submit to righteous judgement, which means we become vulnerable with others and let them into our lives so they can help us grow.

I believe it is best to just judge yourself and let others walk their own journey.
We can't judge anyone, especially since we have all been lied to and are clueless to the truth.
This planet has a lot of judges.
I'm sticking with God
If people had the answers WE wouldn't be in a WW3 situation 😊 imo 😊

The world has too many people that do not judge righteously, judge properly or judge fairly. There are people that have gone through great pains to manipulate what judging really means in order to avoid accountability for bad choices and behavior. We need more people that judge in this way so that we can truly DISCERN what is right and wrong. We are where we are now because people are lacking wisdom that brings this sort of discernment.
[Proverbs 27:17]
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.