KEY REFERENCE: ( NSA anon here. Depopulation Protein PTPN22! Prometheus project initiative. ) ~700 DAY DELAY TRIGGERING inside HUMAN SUBJECTs
NSA anon here. Depopulation Protein PTPN22! Prometheus project initiative.
06 AUGUST 2021
>In 2016 information about PTPN22 is made public indicating the initiation of depopulation event.
>In 2019 world wide operation COVID19 is implemented
>In 2020 under the guise and by means of the so called
>COVID19 vaccine" an agent with a ~700 day delay triggering the production of PTPN22 is introduced into a human organism
By the year 2025 all Disqualified subjects will be injected with the Agent Triggering the PTPN22(the depopulation protein) production and by the year 2030 the 95% of the population will discontinue their exitance
GOD FEARING, Thankful Old Carpenter, I stand for freedom our Republic. Took the oath to the Constitution, and will keep it! WWG1WGA!
Fook That!
I Got A Diff PLAN!