I look forward to a future where I can learn the truths of the past.
Thought this was funny too... https://t.me/katiehopkins/161

I would look into the power of fresnel lens and mirrors possibly

My idea is Semtex blow the fucker up
Maybe some tech help to do it less abrasive or drive a bulldozer into it

I look forward to a future where I can learn the truths of the past.

Power of IAM. Saving the Children.Frequency369Ascension. Fooked.God Wins.Second Coming. Witness Protection program.Q is real #StandWithTrump
Cut the wires going up! Large bolt cutters. Welding gloves ,helmet. Portable Plasma cutter, generator. If that fails shotgun! Take out the panels! 🙏🏻🫶❤️😉🕊️💯🇺🇸

This Hero was Jailed
Now the towers are Armour Plated
Coronavirus: Man jailed for 5G phone mast arson attack - BBC News
Michael Whitty, 47, believed erroneous online theories linking the 5G phone masts to coronavirus.