You know how I know we are nearing the end of this movie? We are at the point where there will be pitchforks in the streets and flames on every city block if declas doesn't happen soon. I'm referring to the reveal of what's been happening behind the scenes. Don't think for one second nothing has happened, because plenty has happened. The reveal to the public of what has happened is key. I'm pretty certain China knows by now that isn't Biden. So who are we fooling? The American people? A grand production. If Trump gets convicted and declas doesn't happen afterwards this will be a civil war.
Will they convict Mr Trump?
Possibly a fake conviction. Nothing real. The people from the Capitol are alive. It was a staged production to wake people up. The problem is, most people aren't waking up. 95% of the population has no idea what the hell is going on. I get it, but the average person doesn't. Holding out too long for some theatrical display is very dangerous in my opinion simply because of the publics perception of reality. Even if it's not reality. Which it's not. Biden isn't president and Congress holds no power at the moment. It's all theater. The average Joe, doesn't know or understand this though.
for those who understand it's theatere, what's the point? we know the news is theatre, so why listen? it's not real. why waste our time, when we have families are jobs that need our attention? we've already spread the word, and family/friends will no longer speak to us about current events, no matter how crazy they are. to them, it's over. our president is not calling on us to do something. what more can we do? we just have to wait until the reveal. and pray, as is our duty.