Can you please tell us when this movie is finished? Put yourself in our shoes Ghost. All this EBS tease and getting us riled up, yet nothing happens. If you don't know then all good, but were constantly being led on at this point with no proof in site as to when we will see Trump will return anytime soon. How do I tell my friends, family, and others I care about that Biden is fake and hes a double? Where is the proof in any of this besides telling us to look at the same pictures over and over. They call me crazy, and I dont blame them..but your information is great but where is the credibility in of it? Biden, Oabama, Clinton, Schiff, many others are all on tv still. Its getting harder everyday telling ppl.."oh dont worry its all fake or CGI..not real"...give us something credible please. We followed you and appreicate your posts. Give us something we deserve at this point.
Trust no one
If all this is not revealed by the time Trump gets reelected as president, all bets are off, civil war.
Remove them all 😡