#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.

In response Vincent Kennedy⍟ to his Publication

Despite you're all over the place with your posts, I enjoy them and have developed a fondness for you. Unless you have connections very hi up, which at times it seems you might, is it wise to conclude anything at this point? All I can say is it's very strange that a metal car caught fire prior to the wooden house in which it was kept.

This is great. At first did not think was legitimate, but he knows his stuff. Trees, research, fires, has his own documentation, photos and was on site. He is the real deal and my husband floored at trying to disprove this now.


Robert Brame is a forensic arborist who has analyzed 38 California fires and has come up with hundreds of photographic evidence of IMPOSSIBLE normal fire beh...

In response 144 144 to his Publication

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100% Texan Patriot. Lifelong seeker of truth. Love of God, family and the goodness of humanity, let it shine! 🌞

In response Forever Patriot to his Publication

Makes sense to me!

In response Forever Patriot to his Publication

Thank you. I know Peggy and have been watching her coverage. In fact, it was Peggy who brought the car in the garage to my attention But haven't seen this one. Will check it out.