Most of what society offers as an "attractive female" does zero for me. I see manipulative makeup, a lack of kindness, and a superficial look, and just want to run away. Definitely no desire to play "stick in the hole". For all my many sins, I have never had a one night stand with a woman. Doesn't work for me; I recoil at the idea.
Looking back over my life, I now wonder how much of that is about me, versus what is the context of elite gender inversion, feminism, my own mother in a cult, pop culture and fashion, etc. The labels we are offered just don't map onto my life or experience. Our masculine and feminine energies are just so messed up.
My sense is that there is a lot of unwinding and rethinking to be done. Those blessed to have "simple and straight lives" haven't walked in others' shoes. Conversely, some of the more wayward need to reconsider the consequences of their choices. Jab potentially forces a "reverse sexual revolution" towards mass monogamy.
"Jab potentially forces a "reverse sexual revolution" towards mass monogamy"
How so?
Contaminated body fluids and inability to reproduce and/or sick and deformed GMO offspring. Huge incentive for unjabbed to avoid jabbed. If true.
Yup! A nurse friend now retired, visited with a nurse friend who stills works. The amount of babies born with heart problems is something not seen before. Sure, she said there'd be one or two every so often, but nothing like this. When my friend asked her if she thought it had to do with the jabs, she quickly and emphatically denounced that idea!!! Sigh...