A memer here to fight for Trump! Banned from Twitter and YT twice each. Took the pledge. WWG1WGA Q 1A/2A PATRIOT Salty Army Savage IFBAP
Jesus is my Savior. Love my husband & America. Dog lover. RN. Constitutional conservative. Love Trump. Followed by Flynn on Twitter.
I just wonder what would stop a person from getting reinfected with parasites after the treatment was ended?🤔
If the treatment also killed the eggs of the parasite that would stop it. But reinfection by re-ingesting parasites or its eggs would make the treatment more a remedy than a cure. I think.
The mythical MedBeds would probably kill all
parasites, period. When will we see them?
Jesus is my Savior. Love my husband & America. Dog lover. RN. Constitutional conservative. Love Trump. Followed by Flynn on Twitter.
An alkaline body would most likely help as well. Cancer cannot grow in an alkaline environment, so most likely parasites cannot thrive as well. I am always concerned when medical professionals do not mention this important information. The typical diet of most people, ensures an acidic environment. Personally I keep my body alkaline. Drinking adequate amounts of alkaline water to stay well hydrated, eating primarily organic alkaline foods, daily sunshine, exercise and and never drinking soda, bottled water, or fast food. 😇
QPatriots1776 = MAGA PATRIOT that loves AMERICA! LOVE GOD! #WWG1WGA / #TRUMP2020 - #TRUMPWON Telegram: @Qpatriots1776TRUTH: @Qpatriots1776
That's exactly right, so true
Great points, Carol.
We start the day with 3/4 t. baking soda in water and add the juice of a lemon. It's an alkalizing start. The rest of the day we eat alkaline foods but not always. It takes discipline to avoid certain acid foods.