There is a discipline in being a digital soldier not to say some things aloud, because they don't serve the mission. My fertile imagination can come up with a lot of awful scenarios of what the sadistic might do with technology to the innocent. It's not much of an extrapolation of what we already see documented in programmes like MKUltra, which is bad enough. But to dwell on such matters is to wallow in fear porn, and lower the vibe. The fine line is to acknowledge the horrors without letting them consume you. Denial and delight are the polarities to avoid. Not all nightmares come to pass; they may just be dreams.
It is not simply fear porn for some. These activities have been going on around them and they want it to stop. They are targeted, harassed, threatened, and attacked simply for the fact that they are aware. People stop coming out of their houses, you rarely see anyone walking around anymore, people are not gathering. They KNOW.