😻 A friend went back in Hospital
because “they” thought he had more cancer
turns out it was an INFECTION.
I [begged] him not to get jabbed. I gave him Ivermectin.
But he is SO adherent to the Big Pharma MK ULTRA 💔
IVERMECTIN has proven to cure various stages of Cancer & AIDS.
-Against SARS-CoV-2
-Treatment of HIV-related scabies
-Ivermectin hastens recovery & prevents deterioration
-Crusted (Norwegian) scabies in HIV/AIDS
-Oral Myiasis in a patient with HIV manifestations
-Efficacy & savety of Ivermectin in patients with AIDS,
asthma, loiasis, & severe liver & kidney disease
-Ivermectin, an antiparasitic drug, has shown in vitro antiviral activity
against a broad range of viruses including HIV
- HIV/AIDS is a serious global threat
& N. sativa can be a promising natural therapy

I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness
I hear you!
I would be gracious if someone would give me Ivermectin!
What a wonderful gift you gave.
I have the same ordeal with loved ones
not willing to listen to the lies they were told.
Dr is God.
I don't think so.
I knew more about a lot of things than my Board Certified Internal Medicine Doctor.
She listened to me,
Med school does not teach about natural meds. No money to be made on curing.
My doctor then began to study Natural medicines
Blue Cross Blue Shield wasn't happy
BCBS needs to be taken down!

Following Jesus, loving my family, always seeking the truth.
Wakey-Wakey!!!!! Anyone out there still sleeping?

There still are too many who idolize their doctors. 😿
🙏they wake up.


Many of Us are multidimensional Souls living in an infinite Universe. WE are More Powerful than the Oligarchs want us to Believe!
Still watching my dear, dear friends slowly die at the hands of their doctors and big pharma.
Yet they believe both are saving their lives!
She does listen to me, but still unwilling to act on getting off the prednizone!
My heart goes out to you and your friend.
Know it's their choice, their journey, however, some days the thought of every participating doctor, nurse and pharmacist being arrested or at the very least, having their licenses revoked, gives me a pleasurable moment!

It hurts so much sometimes, L & L 🌟💛
People are crying out for "Water, I need Water"
& Anons are saying
"Here you go! Drink as much as you want!!"
Gene Decode outlines a # of reasons why
which makes it all the more remarkable
that so many of us
who do see so much more than others.
Not saying we have the whole picture,
but an enlarging one every moment.
To each in his own time.... 🙏🏻🌟❤️🌺🔆😻🕊

That could be why it's like a movie. We see them but aren't able to help them. Like the Body Snatchers where you want to warn them but unsuccessful.

We share very few sentiments with our government.

Protect 1st & 2nd Amendment, Protect Children, Save America, Let Freedom Ring, United We Stand, We The People
nuremberg 2.0