This is my reality… another 6 months of HIV meds collected today. Refused their kind offers of flu and monkeypox jabs. Seems like I am trending towards osteoporosis as side effect of pharma after a few years. Have no idea what I have inside me, if anything, or what good these pills might do.
I have lived hard and fast over a long period, so possibly dying young is not a surprise to me. In a way, not giving a **** about my own welfare has been liberating, because I could do the rather extreme Q analyst job without concern about consequences or my safety.
I look forward to the truth coming out about Fauci and the HIV bioweapon. There seem to be cures at the ready. I kind of live healthily, except when I don’t, if you get my oblique message. Am not sure if I ever will find my way to tamed domesticity… has eluded me. Longevity sounds like a bit of a curse, given all I have endured.
I would rather people see the messy fuller picture than idolise some polished avatar.
Magic Johnson has lived since 1990 with HIV and no health issues. He has taken 200mg a day of pure, organic, plant derived selenium.
I know because I study with and work with one of his Naturopathic Doctors.
I hope you try this. It is food, a minerals and will not interfere with any meds.
If you would like to DM me I would be happy to talk with you.
Love you my brother in Christ. I have have learned so very much from you and so appreciate you.