Service to Other. Teacher/Learner. Here to help with the Great Awakening.

Dear sweet mother of all that is sacred! do you guys ever "test and approve" your resources because this is abysmal at best! Nowhere are you told who performed the study, where it was performed and what was their methodology? Was the experiment replicated by other researchers with predictable outcomes given said methodology? THEY DONT TELL YOU WHO, WHAT, WHERE AND HOW! Doesnt that concern anyone? And if anyone attempts to say science cant be trusted needs to pump the breaks... we shouldnt trust bad science but this cant wvwn bw considered bad science. These are just statements, nothing more.

Try this on for detail. Cell biologist Glen Rein … and IHM Research Director Rollin McCraty conducted a series of experiments in the early 1990s involving DNA and intentionally generated emotions. A decade later interest in these experiments persisted. After numerous requests, McCraty summarized their data and published the results of the research in 2003 in a brief report titled Modulation of DNA Conformation by Heart-Focused Intention.

In response Matt Mitchell to his Publication

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I do have to say thanks for proving in action the rush to judgement I merely pointed out in principle. Sadly, the true researchers on here are few whilst the majority just suckled of their swollen teets! The point of Q was to teach people to ask questions. Not just surface questions like "is this true"? Children can ask that! Q came to teach people to ask the secondary and tertiary questions. Unless you believe in Solipsism, the idea of the article is utter nonsense. Now go study solipsism so you know what I am talking about. I would seriously like my emotions to change this reality.

There has been a correlation between mood/emotions and physical health since the Pre-Socratics. I appreciate that you at least provide an actual study but clearly did not read the article dis you? The article claims that our emotions reform objective reality and alter the objective world around us without evidence. a direct quote states, “Human emotion shapes reality...not just our emotions but reality itself”! That is in the first paragraph... didn't make it that far? Read the article then read my comment in context!

Service to Other. Teacher/Learner. Here to help with the Great Awakening.

In response Matt Mitchell to his Publication

Yes, I did read the article. I agree it should have been sited.
I will continue to look for the actual science.
Have you reviewed the Princeton PEAR Research?
Or simply wave / partical duality research. There is lots of evidence that our consciousness changes our physical reality.

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