Graphic Artist & Illustrator - Authorized Minister - US Navy Wife - Former Instructor - US NAVY TAP - CEO - Proud Patriot - #Arkansas
In my new life, I take Latin.
OB- a prefix meaning “toward,” “to,” “on,” “over,” “against,” originally occurring in loanwords from Latin, but now used also, with the sense of “reversely,” “inversely,” to form New Latin and English scientific terms: object; obligate; oblanceolate.
Weights and Measures-LIT- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning "letter; read; word. '' This meaning is found in such words as: alliteration, illiterate, letter, literacy, literal, literary, obliterate, unlettered.
RATION: All are from Latin rationem (nominative ratio) "reckoning, numbering, calculation; business affair, procedure," also "reason, reasoning, judgment, understanding," in Medieval Latin "a computed share or allowance of food." This is from rat-, past participle stem of reri "to reckon, calculate," also "think" (from PIE ...