"You live under an artificial dome in a synthetic reality as a mind-controlled and genetically stunted slave being fed lies about every aspect of your perceived reality including a completely false history and cannot reason your way out because you are unable to maintain a connection to the divine within for long enough to activate your inner power while forced to reincarnate in an endless loop preventing escape from the simulation" is indeed a lot to take in, especially on a Saturnday.
You either know this or you don't. One person can not convince another of it. I no longer try. It is a fruitless endeavor. Surprisingly however, is finding sameness in the most unexpected places/people. At the grocery an older man exchanged a worn bill for a more crisp one from me so that a machine would accept it. We were fast friends in less than a minute lamenting a digital world. A plumber in my home knows what is up with the one world agenda. The washer/drier installer does too. These are all races/ages. WE ARE EVERYWHERE. So, keep the faith :)