I have gotten to the point where I don’t want to watch, read, or write anything. Information burnout. Just tiny dollops of text on social media. Time for the shitshow to show some shit.
Evil works with their orgs, structure, pecking order and compliant obedience even to a fault of the individual within that structure to do things which go against their own self preservation (even tho that's suppose to be top priority for them if they were actually good at that path). Us on the STO path have worked on ourself and shared what we know to create this amalgus structure where we are constantly pushing on the string of truth to awaken people to their self empowerment. However, anons are not really doing anything organized to come together and do anything actionable which changes things on the physical plane, for instance, round up the masons like loop said. I've come to the conclusion, that we need to have faith in the militaries THAT THEY ARE trying to make peace where possible, bring others to our side or eliminate the evil.
.....With the complexity of the operation, to save as many as possible, this is the way it looks to be. We need to stop putting unnecessary burdens on ourselves for inaction when it's supposedly not our jobs to take up pitchforks, even tho our self preservation calls for it everyday. We are the propagandists for good and are consigned to that box it seems even tho a call to arms is what our warrior instinct tells us, but the spillover I guess would be too messy since there's a 4D tunnel war with UFO stuff going on and we're just 3D slaves with locked down DNA and everything else which keeps us to inaction. Reminds me of the movie jarhead where the guy just wants to kill the enemy but the army has better tools to do so.