I need to list unacknowledged achievements:
• ceasing my children's vaxxes (11 yrs ago, and kicked out of the pediatrician's office)
• switching all my cleaning agents to home made
• baking breads and things from scratch to make all our food organic
• learning herbal cures and remedies, trial and error, me being the subject of experiment
• keep us out of the doctor's, dentists's and vet's offices (they're ALL evil!!!)
• fighting CPS on faulty claims when my son was born preemie and went straight to the NICU. we won. but i have PTSD
• been a regularly published opinion writer for local newspapers and subsequently having my phone tapped (during the Obama years)
• homeschooling, unschooling, dealing with my oldest who went all through public to graduation and is liberal brainwashed
• finding out ALL churches are tainted, Jesus is his own religion
• misunderstood and mistreated by relatives, losing friends
thank you for letting me vent.

I'm working on all the same things!! Good to know there are others. Just wish I could get my daughter onboard...but I won't stop trying!

In response Yankee Carolyn to her Publication

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In response Lana Angel to her Publication

They'll have to straighten up as they age 😊 Prayer works