Where Do Your Blood Donations Really Go??
mirrored from Rumble joegecko's Documentary channel
In response Jimbo 66 ✓Pepe Approved! to his Publication
Wow. That is worth knowing. I used to donate blood every 6 months when I was still in England. The first time I tried in the US I was turned away as I had lived in the UK during the brief 'Mad Cow Disease' period. Been the same ever since. I always felt bad for not being able to donate any more but I am less bothered now knowing that only 20% of donated plasma actually goes to hospitals. Since the other 80% is sold to Big Pharma (by the Red Cross) for them to make even more money from creating specialized drugs, I am glad I am no longer a part of it. It's probably used as another way to identify the 'bloodlines' as well.