Questioning everything led to my progressive awakening. Still learning daily. A new me, The Real Me is emerging. Strange, but I like her.
I know I don’t have a huge following here, but can you all please get this out there. Jessica lost her daughter last year and she is fighting battles many cannot understand. She needs a massive amount of prayer. Let’s lift her up, frens. No one left behind.
Can I ask you to be strong for just awhile longer? Can I ask you to lean our Lord even more during this time? Can I beg you to trust HIM even in the hardest days?
Being strong for all children, even those not ours is what we are called to be right now. For those children who did not have a mother or father’s love at their most desperate time.
1 Cor 13:7
“Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”
You HAVE the BLESSED HOPE of seeing her again. Live the life she WANTS you to live…giving & receiving all the love of God in this world & the next. You have to find someone who is in as desperate need of receiving love as your are desperate to give love.
Whenever you need someone to talk DM me.