Look how far we have come!!! Hats off to all of you fellow anons! We have become the strongest family in the world!! There is now 100% no stopping us now, the pace is picking up and all of our work is coming to a head. It is all of you that pushed the awakening. If your feeling beat down and losing hope, DON’T!! We’ve made it, won’t be long now. Gonna be a hot summer. It may get a bit more rough as the end nears but just know it’s because of all of us that this is happening. We held the line and did not cave in. We spread facts and memes to push the normies along. It’s worked, you all have done your part and should be damn proud!! I’m proud to be part of this collective with all of you. I’ve been put through the ringer like all of you, been told I’m nuts, a conspiracy theorist, bat shit crazy, a weirdo and I can’t tell you how many people have said I have no idea what I’m talking about to only later ask”how’d you know?” My anon army intelligence, that’s how I’ve known!#wwg1wga