And So It Begins, . . .
Sad to say, my husband still watches FOX in the a.m. That being said, as I was going about feeding the animals, I overheard talk of AI. Dana Perino then said 'AI is getting so good they are even able to "manipulate videos" and are able to manipulate videos by sexualizing them, "even manipulating them to show sex with children", . . .'
MSM and the like are 'setting the stage' for denial of the video proof.
Sadly if that happens, if people are trained to doubt video evidence, then what tool/technique/or device would convince them otherwise? At what point has everyone including ourselves been victim to manipulated videos and info?
By what means will the truth be conveyed?
Discernment and gut instincts certainly get us down the road but will that be enough to ascertain absolute proof? Slippery slope indeed.
That is exactly what they seem to be doing. Putting it out there how the video you see isn't necessarily 'real' so as to be able to deny what is actually being shown. 'That's not me, That MUST be an AI video, . . .'
They are preparing the way for such an explanation.