Never Forget Why This War Was Started It Is All About Saving The Children
Using pure vinegar to sterilize my Air, my laundry and to clean my home. Organic Coconut oil for my body and face . Got
Dr. Bonners for shampoo and body wash that suddy crap has a name and it is toxic. Castor Oil packs for lumps and bumps and everything. Now I just need some marijuana , magic mushrooms and a Deplorable friend : • )

Spreader of truth, love & light. Sprinkle that shit everywhere.
Dr. Bronners has sold out
I can usually find Dr. Bronner's in the pharmacies near me - Walgreens, CVS and if I have to...Walmart. I really like J.R. Liggett's shampoo bars (harder to find but worth it) I have straight fine hair down to my butt and this stuff makes it as clean as when I was a little girl and I don't need conditioner anymore. My husband and mother have decided they like it too.

Spreader of truth, love & light. Sprinkle that shit everywhere.
I will have to try those. Dr. Bronners was on the list of companies that have been taken over by the left.

I've read that too... J.R. Liggett's has a website - shampoo bars are 6 or 7 bucks (cheaper than anyone else). They also have a conditioner and pet shampoos. And they are a long standing American company - I haven't found any negatives about them thus far.
I'm currently experimenting with making my own laundry soap with natural soap, washing soda and borax - it works well but I haven't figured out the magic to get it to a smooth consistency.