VK posted this at 3:19 PM ET, and has since pinned it. 📌
Vincent Kennedy@VincentCrypt46
Kennedy laying it all out there.
Happy with Life...Faith in Our Lord God...Love being outside...Enjoy
Silly me for thinking too much-When I grew up (still growing) ready for this-men NEVER had breast-I could blame it on dementia (me) - but I don't think so-what if they are putting hormones in everything, food, water, drinks?-my husband was very over weight & yet he still never had breast (old-schooled) something is making all men have breast. I am trying to figure all this out. Anyone with some answers?
It’s exactly what RFK Jr. is saying —
[They] are adding chemicals to everything in order to promote their nefarious agenda. I’m not sure what it is you are asking. Sorry.
I was asking just what you answered. I talked to my grandson yesterday about this subject. I'm glad I know what I am talking about. I talked to my daughter a year ago & she didn't think the same as me. Thank you for confirming Mary